
How to Get Started in Photography

Getting started in photography can seem daunting, however it doesn't take much these days. 20 years ago, before the luxury of digital photography, everything had to be done using film cameras.  These film cameras were expensive to buy if you wanted any quality photos, and your creativity was limited by the quantity of film rolls you had and could afford to develop.  Nowadays, these limitations have been removed by digital photography.  Most people have a digital camera, if not multiple digital cameras.  The big question is how do you get started creating great images for your family and friends or for your clients.  These next steps will tell you just that: 1. What do I need to get started? Maybe you have a cell phone for photography, or you have a DSLR camera for your photography adventures.  Either will do and both have advantages to them.  (In a separate post I will go into more detail about equipment, but for now as long as you have a d...
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